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Innlegg i Generelt > Person med to oppføringer

  • Luelf1979 Luelf
    torsdag 5 oktober 2023 klokken 12.06
    Person med to oppføringer translated as "Person with two listings," highlights the duality in individual identities. In today's interconnected world, diverse roles define us. Whether it's balancing career and personal life or managing multiple online profiles, each persona reflects a unique facet of our being. Amidst this complexity, global interests like แทงบอล (betting on football) add layers, showcasing varied passions. Embracing these dualities enriches our experiences, illustrating the vibrant tapestry of human existence, where diverse interests coexist harmoniously, shaping our multifaceted lives.
  • Luelf1979 Luelf
    mandag 7 august 2023 klokken 12.28

    Person med is a term that encompasses a range of individualized approaches to healthcare and wellness, emphasizing a holistic and patient-centered perspective. In this context, the phrase ufabet เข้าสู่ระบบทางเข้า represents a digital gateway to personalized care, illustrating how modern technology is seamlessly integrated into the realm of "person med." This fusion of traditional medical expertise with innovative digital tools enables individuals to access tailored treatments, track their health progress, and actively engage in their own well-being, fostering a more proactive and empowered approach to healthcare management.

  • David Allum
    fredag 16 juni 2023 klokken 8.33

    Meet John, a person with two entries in the world of magic. By day, he's an esteemed corporate executive, but by night, he transforms into the best corporate magician in Los Angeles. With his captivating performances and mind-boggling tricks, John leaves his audience spellbound. For a taste of his mesmerizing talent, check out his website at Prepare to be amazed by his extraordinary abilities and enchanting charisma.


  • Maam Latifah
    mandag 12 juli 2021 klokken 8.15

    Powerful Magic Wallets~@Magic Rings@[+27785167256] Ancestral Witch Craft For Money Spells in Malaysia Germany Canada France Qatar Belarus Belgium  uk ,australia ~POWERFUL-MAGIC  RINGS FOR PASTORS ,PROPHETS +27785167256 FOR MONEY_FOR PROTECTION  Money Attraction ~ Pastor powers Miracle rings ~ Business boosting ~ Success in Stuacdies and Fame ~ Lover protection Magic rings THE magic ring was brought by the spiritual powers of long time ago and this ring helps to give people like pastors, preachers powers so that they can be above all others and healing. The magic ring also gives money or richness to people who are hopeless and POWERFULadding special powers to people who have their business with little customers, things are not going well in business or at work. This ring will help you to have extra powers in that when you put it even your bosses will listen to you and adding on your salary. The SUPER POWER MAGIC RING contains all powers of spirits ,ancestors, Talisman Commanding Power and special work to everyone who is in need, some thing in his life to order for magic ring Get loved and attracted ULTIMATE MAGIC POWERS FOR Leadership, preachers(fellowships) sangoma's it help to get more powers. MEN/WOMEN LOVE ATTRACTION SPAS ALL ASSIGNMENTS: Work interviews, school exams, soccer interviews every where just use that ring TO BECOME RICH THE REST OF YOUR LIFE AND BE FAMOUS IN WORLD OR YOUR COUNTRY ORDER NOW 

  • Gee Branzi
    mandag 12 juli 2021 klokken 8.06

    this is noted


    compression therapy

  • Thierry Matthey
    torsdag 7 mars 2013 klokken 15.04

    Tokk en kjapp sjekk over hele registeret for Norge og fant 117 dubletter. Mulig at det er noen mindre siden det finnes loepere som har likt navn som vi har et eksempel i Bergen.

    I tillegg (for aa vaere prikete :-) ) er det 4 klubber som slutter med mellomrom.

  • Anders B. Øksenholt
    torsdag 31 mai 2012 klokken 14.25

    Enig at dette bør klubbadmin kunne gjøre

  • Jo Inge Fjellstad
    onsdag 30 mai 2012 klokken 23.25

    Kanskje presidenten kan vurdere om sådan myndighet kan delegeres til klubbadministratorer :-)
    ... dersom det da ikke er fin avkobling fra støre tyngre saker og putle med slikt ;-)

  • Einar Tommelstad
    onsdag 30 mai 2012 klokken 15.42

    Ja det finnes, men en må NOF-admin-rolle for å få lov til dette. :-)

    Jeg har nå slått sammen identitetene.

  • Henning Spjelkavik
    onsdag 30 mai 2012 klokken 0.38

    Finnes det en funksjon for å slå sammen to oppføringer for én person? Typisk har vedkommende resultater på begge ID'er, og det skaper problemer i serier f.eks.

    Helt konkret gjelder det id 362 og 3677.


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