Norsk Orientering

Innlegg i Generelt > Internet Access Restricted

  • Ruth White
    mandag 6 februar 2023 klokken 15.49

    Isn’t known for having a stellar reputation where the freedom to access the Internet is concerned, of course, but things just got worse, according to reports. The nation moved to block access to Gmail during the week of September 23, 2022, cutting users off from one of the most popular email services on the web. Additionally, the nation was reportedly blocking access to Google search,more info though this seemed to be spotty at, at least according to the EFF, the block was only in place on specific ISPs.

    Internet Freedom
    Has long been known for blocking access to social media sites and to other sites that the Islamic fundamentalist government finds objectionable. Many of them are quite obviously blocked for political reasons. The government has claimed that the block was due to public demand, according to EFF reports, referencing the recent controversy over the film “The Innocence of Muslims“. The fact that Google would not take that film down from its YouTube service was used as the specific reason, though YouTube hasn’t been available in Iran for years, EFF points out.

    There are over 36 million Internet users, according to EFF. These users are subject to very limited access to the Internet, however, and the restrictions appear to be getting worse. The government has expressed interest in filtering the Internet completely so that it meets their standards in their own nation, of course and this means that there may be further restrictions coming down the line for Iranian Internet users. Already, bloggers and other individuals who have spoken out against the government online have been punished. EFF mentions that one Iranian blogger’s wife was beaten because of complaining of how security forces in the nation conducted themselves.

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