Norsk Orientering

Innlegg i Generelt > Development of your game

  • Edd_ Edd_
    torsdag 6 oktober 2022 klokken 17.24

    If you have certain knowledge, then in principle you yourself can create a simple game. But if we talk about big and cool games, then you can’t do it alone. You need a whole development team here.

  • Alex Dramonn
    torsdag 6 oktober 2022 klokken 10.34

    There are many companies capable of solving this problem. You need to choose the most experienced of all. Watch the ready-made games. According to the programs already created, you can assess the level of skill of developers. Real feedback from satisfied customers should be taken into account.

  • Alvis Krajcik
    onsdag 5 oktober 2022 klokken 20.59

    If you want your development to become mega popular and collect huge box office receipts, then you will have to think for a long time what kind of game it will be, why it will be possible to buy it and, most importantly, how to plan tasks so that the project can be released on time while it still has there is a demand. In any case, you need a team, I recommend visiting, they develop full-cycle games.

  • Serg Nagornuy
    onsdag 5 oktober 2022 klokken 14.07

    I can only advise you to drive a phrase into a search engine and choose a company that creates computer games of any format 2d or 3d. There are a lot of such companies and it’s not possible to advise any one, everyone chooses what suits him.

  • Marto Gutuierres
    onsdag 5 oktober 2022 klokken 3.30

    what kind of game do you want to create? I am interested in knowing more, I have no idea how to develop it but I am interested in knowing why I may play it when you have already created it, there are many companies and companies that are dedicated to developing games, here in this forum surely someone will be able to recommend one

  • Edgar Schmidt
    tirsdag 4 oktober 2022 klokken 13.12

    I develop simple programs, and as a developer I have room to grow. Now I am interested in trying to develop a computer game, as it is not only interesting, but also profitable. Therefore, I need to recruit a team that will take over the full development cycle from idea to release. I don’t really understand this and I need to understand what stages there are in the game development cycle and what specialists are needed for this.


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